
Create New Email Account Via DirectAdmin

In this article we’ll show you how to create new email account via DirectAdmin Control Panel. Please kindly refer to the guide below:

  1. Please login to the DirectAdmin, how to login to DirectAdmin
  2. Locate the E-Mail Management section, and Click on the E-Mail Accounts.
  3. There are 3 fields and 4 textbox to be filled up. All are compulsory.
    • First, the username of the email account which would be the email address as well
    • Second, the preferred password. Please use strong password with the combination of Symbols, Upper and lower case alphabets and numeric characters. Preferred length would be at least 8 characters or longer.
    • Third, re-enter the password
    • Forth, setting the email quota in the Meg / MB / Megabytes
  4. Create Button to create the email account.
  5. Then you will see an Account Created screen and show all the mailbox information.
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